Friday, November 15, 2013

Mom's Cooking

Going to my mother's house for dinner with Andrew is never a poor experience, instead is a long 4 hour dinner with appetizers, wine, desserts, cocktails and a lot of laughing. This is why I feel like Thanksgiving is, actually, everyday at my mom's home.

Now, she does not take two weeks, two days, or two hours planning for a fabulous dinner. She spends 45 minutes. Between thinking what she 'feels' like eating, what does she has at home, and what she needs to get at the store. And she is fast! While she cook the salmon in the over, she already stared the rice/polenta or potatoes. While the rice and the salmon are cooking; she places broads, cheeses (the exotic kind) fruits, and some kind of meat (smoked salmon, salami, prosciutto) When I arrive to her house, she is gracefully putting together a salad. 
How she does it? I am still trying to figure our her secrets.

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