Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hey there chick

More often than not, I under estimate the benefits of legumes. Recently, I researched for other ways to intake nutrients, proteins, fiber and minerals. Finding healthy and quick choices was easier than I thought.
Garbanzo beans (chickpeas) contain all of the already mentioned sources of energy PLUS they lower cholesterol due to the dietary fiber which helps to lower cholesterol levels. Also, promotes digestive health, good source of iron and this legume contains folic acid which is important in preventing neural tube birth defects. How about that for a super food?

Here are two quick ways of preparing chickpeas for the next time you want to open a can of garbanzo beans and feel wonderful about it.

Salad 1

1 can of Garbanzo beans (rinsed)
1/2 avocado
1/2 lemon
a hand full of arugula
Olive Oil

Salad 2
1 can of Garbanzo beans (rinsed)

1/4 of purple onion (cut very fine)
1 avocado
1/2 lemon
Fresh Dill
1 corn on the cob (cooked or 1/2 can of whole kernel corn)
Olive Oil

The best thing about these salad is that you can mixed all the ingredients together without taking any instructions! You can also warm up a pita bread and 'add salad 2' on it for your guy for a quick lunch.


Less stress, More enjoying ...Holiday gifts

I am usually the person who is late to a party because I am waiting for last minute to get a gift for the host or birthday gifts etc. Now, after 10 years I think I learn to start now with my holidays shopping list. Here are some gifts to help you to spend more time catching up with your friends.

1. Crown Ring from Lilac Bijoux ($5 flat shipping) 
2. His & Hers pillow covers from Etsy  
3. L’Oreal Infallible Le Rouge in Bold Bordeaux  
4. Josie Maran Argan Sugar Scrub 
5. Popbar Hot chocolate on a stick! (or you can make them yourself- recipe to come) 
6. Mingle Decanter 
7.Bentwood Breakfast Tray   
8.Chipper & Sprite Serving Set  
9. Limited Edition Golden Monogram Mug 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Mom's Cooking

Going to my mother's house for dinner with Andrew is never a poor experience, instead is a long 4 hour dinner with appetizers, wine, desserts, cocktails and a lot of laughing. This is why I feel like Thanksgiving is, actually, everyday at my mom's home.

Now, she does not take two weeks, two days, or two hours planning for a fabulous dinner. She spends 45 minutes. Between thinking what she 'feels' like eating, what does she has at home, and what she needs to get at the store. And she is fast! While she cook the salmon in the over, she already stared the rice/polenta or potatoes. While the rice and the salmon are cooking; she places broads, cheeses (the exotic kind) fruits, and some kind of meat (smoked salmon, salami, prosciutto) When I arrive to her house, she is gracefully putting together a salad. 
How she does it? I am still trying to figure our her secrets.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Our secret to Salmon

Salmon might be the protein that I like to experiment more than any others. With that said, I have found a way to accomplish a great taste that never goes wrong.
No matter how big or small the piece that you will be cooking is, try this next time you are going to cook salmon;

  • Warm up the oven at 350 degrees while you do this next step.
  • In a non-sticky pan cover it with a thin layer of olive oil and place on a medium heat. When oil is warm (not hot) place the unseasoned salmon (face down, meaning pink side down and gray side facing up) on the pan and let it sear for about 45 seconds or until it is slightly golden ( you don't want to cook it!). Make sure the salmon doesn't stick to the pan, that way it wont loose its form.
  • Have a oven safe dish ready to place the seared salmon and any spaces that you want to put on top. In the image below I coated the salmon with finely cut cilantro, green shallots, salt and pepper and lemon.
  • Cover the dish with thin foil and let it cook for 12-15 minutes (the time really depends on the salmon thickness, rule of thumb is 10 min per inch of thickness) 


Monday, November 4, 2013

Caramelized Turnips and Dill

I have been gone for a while...but I am back, and I hope not to abandon you again. Between school, work, our dog Lucy, the change of season, and lack of intensive of my part by not believing on my blogging abilities. I got a  raise of 'hope' and decided to keep documenting my recipes.

Listening to Jamie Cullum (who I met a few years ago) talented musician, piano player, excellent English accent, etc. Got me into the groove of fall and what the nature has to offer in this gorgeous season.

You'll need:
-Turnips (peeled and washed)
*think of turnips as potatoes, so if you are cooking for 4 people, use 2 medium size turnips per person.
-Fresh dill
-4 tablespoons of organic brown sugar 
-Sea salt (optional)
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil

In a medium saucepan, add the tablespoon of olive oil and warm up the oil with a medium heat. Add the clean, peeled turnips cut in cubes or diced and let them golden. When turnip have acquire this crisp and golden outer, carefully sprinkle the brown sugar. I start with small amounts so the sugar sticks to the turnip not the pan. 
When you have used all the sugar make sure you keep turning the turnips, let them sit on the pan and in a beautiful plate for serving, place the turnips and add the dill. 
Optional sauce for turnips: In a mixing bow, put 3 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt, add a little drops of lemon juice, mix well and add a few capers for a burst of flavors. Sour and sweet is always a good combination! 


Friday, September 6, 2013

Mid-season pasta for Dinner

Usually in the summer I eat light meal but that doesn't mean I lack of carb cravings. With the beautiful zucchinis, carrots, corn and tomatoes I have received from my friend's garden I made a colorful pasta dinner for Andrew and I to enjoy a Sunday evening at home.

(Serves 4) You will need :

  • 1/2 Red pepper 
  • 2 Carrots (used 2 long carrots cut in circles)
  • Shiitake mushrooms (I count 3 mushrooms a person)
  • 2 corn (cooked)
  • Fresh tomatoes (the more the merrier) 
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 of a white onion 
  • 4 chicken brats (I get the Spicy Italian Chicken at Trader Joe's)
  • basil
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 bag of orecchiette pasta (this is my favorite pasta)
  • S&P
First make the pasta by following the instruction on the bag. In a non stick grill pan add the sliced brats, carrots and pepper. As soon as they get a little golden color, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. I have a two burner grill pan so I move the vegetables and the brats to one side and place the corn (to give it a little grill taste) on the other side. As soon as the carrots start to soften (this is the vegetable that take the most to cook) add the shiitake mushrooms. Don't forget to check on your pasta.

In a sauce pan, add 2 tbsp of olive oil and the 2 garlic cloves diced, keep the burner in low. Cut the white onion fine slices then add to the sauce pan. As soon as the onion softens add everything in the grill pan in the sauce pan but the corn. Keep in the pan in medium heat and add the diced tomatoes.

TIP: I sautee the onion and garlic in a separate sauce pan to keep the taste of the garlic and not let the rest of the veggies sit on the onion and the garlic for too long. Also when adding the tomatoes, the juice preserve nicely in the pan. 

Dice the zucchini and place them on the grill pan, next to the corn. Add S&P to the zucchini slices and a little olive oil, not too much because zucchini releases a lot of water and with the olive oil, it can get saggy. To prevent that I grill it in the pan and then add it to the sauce pan.

Place the corn in a cutting board and cut the kernels, place in the sauce pan with the rest. The zucchini should be ready to add in the pan as well. First, remove from grill, make sure they are soft and cut slices in half to facilitate the intake. Add the zucchini in the sauce pan as well and set the burner in med-hi heat to make sure when you serve the food, it is still hot.

Serve pasta in a beautiful plate and pour the colorful mixture on top, you can put slices of a semi-firm cheese as asiago (fresh) and adorn with fresh basil leaves.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Pepperoncini pebre (Chilean style)

After making this pebre or salsa, I grabbed a bag of sweet potatoes tortilla chips and finish more than half of the bowl you see in the picture. In Chile, we eat it with empanadas, shrimp and a toast or with ceviche.

What you'll need;

  • 1 pepperoncini 
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/4 cup  of a green pepper
  • S&P
  • Olive oil
  • half of a small onion (I cut it very small and used less than 1/4 cup)
  • 1 Garlic clove

Clean out all the seeds from the pepperoncini and wash well.In a cast iron pan I roasted the pepperoncini until it was slightly burn around the sides. Cut the pepper in tiny cubes and place in bowl. Next, cut the white onion into fine peaces.TIP: if you place a colander and run the water through the onion while you cut it it will help with the tears. If you find that the onion is too strong to eat, after cutting it leave it in the colander and put about a tablespoon of salt and press the cut onion tight with the salt. Then rinse with water, this will release the strong taste and will feel softer in your mouth. 

Add the juice of the lemon to soften the pepper and onion. Dice the pepperoncini, and cut the garlic in fine, tiny pieces.

 Season with salt, pepper and olive oil. Now, enjoy!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Roasted Tomatoes Spaghetti (17 minutes )

When you only have 2 guests, 45 minutes to eat (well) and head out, you really have to be creative to pull a dinner meal together in less than 20 minutes and it has to be good.

On my way home I was coming already late so I was thinking; what do I have at home!? Turns outs I gather the following:

-An exotic taste garlic I got at the farmers market last weekend 
-A handful of fresh basil
-A gifted basket of cherry tomatoes from my co-worker's garden 
-Shaved Parmesan
-Whole wheat spaghetti 


Pre- heat the oven at 450 as soon as you get home. In a big casserole bring up to boil 4 pints of water with a little olive oil, on high heat. In a cookie sheet ( I am limited in kitchen accessories) pour some olive oil and cut the garlic in fine pieces and put all the tomatoes in there. I had cherry and medium size tomatoes so I cut the medium size tomatoes to release some juice. Salt and pepper them and put them in the oven for 5 minutes.

As soon as you take out if the oven the cookie sheet, smash the tomatoes with a flat surface ( careful with the juice!) 

I used a mug and a cloth to protect me from the juice. When you are done smashing them (tip: smash them once, you still want to keep the form of tomato) . Put them back in the oven, this time broil them until your spaghetti is ready.

In a big dish place the drained spaghetti and put them basil leaves.

Then place the tomatoes. 

Last, but not least, some Parmesan. And you are ready to surprise your guests. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Eat Your Veggies!

Is late, on a Sunday and I am starving! I have been cleaning the house and gone to the grocery store to get my basics for the week. But, I still have a little energy to cook a light dinner solo ( Andrew my boyfriend had a lovely meal with his family) So what to cook, fast? vegetables. Again, these can be boring when you keep making the same recipe so I grabbed my yellow zucchinis and summer squash, rainbow kale, tomatoes and hey I need some protein so I'll warm up some black beans.

Now, I am not a bean eater, at all but I have tried this recipe from the William Sonoma site.The black bean tacos (vegetarian) are delicious, and the way the beans taste sounded like a perfect substitute for lean meats. When it comes down to spices, I like to flirt with something new every time so I got fennel seeds which has a delicate flavor; light and sweet, similar to anise. Is used in Italian food and also Chinese food.

So, hey.. vegetables are not always boring, even when they are just cooked in olive oil or coconut oil ( I sauteed the rainbow kale in coconut oil) The more colorful your plate is, the best is for you.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sofrito (con carne)

Sofrito is the base to a lot of the Chilean dishes, is the combination of a few vegetables with sauteed in oil with some seasoning. I make this sofrito and add ground beef and some diced tomatoes and is (almost) the best spaghetti sauce. Or chop zucchini and mix is all in a bowl and put it in the oven, also you can do stuffed peppers!

Here is my recipe that I learned from my dad who learned from my Grandpa Raul. The best thing about this is that you can not fail...  never is too much of one thing  or the other (besides salt)

  1.  3 celery sticks
  2. 1 large carrot
  3. 3 shallots
  4. 2 garlic cloves
  5. 1/2  white onion
  6. 1/2 red pepper
  7. 1/2 green pepper
  8. 2 bay leaves
  9. 2 cups of ground beef
  10. 1/4 teaspoon of paprika  
  11. 2 tbsp olive oil
  12. S&P
** I cheat and put 1/4 of taco seasoning with low sodium.

Fist chop all the veggies in really tiny cubes and leave aside while you warm up a pan with  olive oil and the tiny chopped garlic. Next add the onion, and shred directly the carrot to the pan. As soon as you finish with the carrot, add the celery and peppers.  Is is important to start with the items that take longer to cook first, so when you add the ground beef the veggies are not over cooked or saggy. I add the ground beef last because I like to use the steam of the vegetables to help cook the beef.
Add seasonings; paprika, taco seasoning is optional, salt & pepper and now you can add the bay leaves. Bay leaves help the meat to enhance the taste. That's what dad always told me and a 1/2 teaspoon of sugar. But I only do it when I am making spaghetti sauce.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Always prepared

Growing up, we often had people stopping by our house because we lived in the beach and that is just the thing you do in Chile. Mom always had something to offer/ serve to our unexpected but gracious visitors.

I learn to have in stock a fruit that will pair with honey or balsamic reduction and goat cheese. A cheese that isn't too strong as blue cheese, more as smoked gauda, brie or cream cheese. Another great thing to have is some kind of marmalade, or sauce to drizzle over the cream cheese (I get hot plum chipotle by Spice Exchange) . Carbs! also get some crackers... if you have baguette you can warm it up in the over while you serve some wine to your guest.
So next time you are doing groceries, get one of each list and you will find more than one use for your everyday cooking;

Fresh produce section:

  • Strawberries
  • Cherries 
  • Raspberries
  • Red grapes 
  • Cantaloupe (it taste great with balsamic reduction wrapped in prosciutto)
  • Watermelon (with some goat cheese and olive oil+ balsamic reduction! a new twist to a caprese)
Cheese Section
  • Goat cheese
  • Brie
  • Smoked gauda
Condiments/ or glazing
  • Blackberry marmalade
  • Hot plum chipotle sauce (this isn't too hot and you can use for grilling)
  • Honey ( I drizzle honey on top of the brie with some pine nuts or sliced almonds)
** I also have dry apricots or figs. It seems to be a favorite in moms and my kitchen.

Don't forget the crackers! 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Not-so Mexican Pasta Salad

There are many variations to pasta salads, you can add anything you like and call it 'pasta salad'. The only requirement is; it needs to be colorful.
For this salad my ingredients were:
(Serves 8)

  • 1 package of Orecchiette or preferred pasta
  • A hand full of cherry sweet tomatoes
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 corn (cooked)
  • 1/2 purple onion
  • 1/3 cup of green pepper 
  • Olives (optional)
  • A hand full of arugula
  • 1/4 cup of plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp of low fat mayo
  • salt & pepper
  • a few drops of lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp of balsamic vinegar
First- Cook the orecchiette pasta as package indicates. In a bowl, add the onion very very fine chopped, the corn, the avocado (cut in cubes) the green pepper cut in very small pieces, the cherry tomatoes cut in halves (this helps to release some of the sweetness of its juice), cut the olives in small pieces (remove the pit) .

In a small bowl mix all the ingredients below the sauce list. As soon as the pasta is ready, you can let it sit until cool, or like me if you are short in time, pour the pasta in a colander and run cold water through it. This will not harm the pasta. Make sure its strain completely and add a little drops of olive oil so it doesn't stick.

Add the pasta on top of the veggies, mix well then add the sauce. Mix evenly and add the hand full of arugula. Clean the bowl around the edges and you can sprinkle some parsley for aesthetic. Yum!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

French Pie (my version)

Living with my boyfriend has thought me a few lessons in life, especially in the cooking world. When he craves pizza, I ambition this recipe but in his mind really he would go to the frozen isle and call it good. After all is 450 degrees for 18 minutes right?
Well this pizza which is what I crave and it takes me 20 minutes at 350 degrees, and taste a lot better!

What you will need:

  1. Boboli Whole Wheat Thin  Pizza Crust 12" (or preferred )
  2. 1 pear
  3. 1/2 of white onion
  4. 1 cup of brie cheese
  5. 2 tbsp of brown sugar
  6. 1 cup of arugula
  7. turkey breast or chicken (I go to the butcher and have him cut me 'sandwich' slices of a smoked turkey fully cooked)
  8. olive oil/ S&P
In a medium heat pan add 1/2 tbsp of olive oil until warm. Cut the 1/2 onion in thing slices and do the same with the pear. Add the onion and pear to the pan, saute until soften. Now, you can caramelize them by adding the 2 tbsp of brown sugar until it is melted. 

In a cookie sheet place the  pizza crust and spread in an uniform way the turkey and brie which I cut in 2x1 inch pieces. Add the caramelized pear and onion and place it in the oven (follow the package instructions for cooking time). ** In the image below I added mushrooms as well before I place in the oven.

You can now place a hand full of arugula in the top and also pine nuts, caramelized pecans or even walnuts for extra crunch. 


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Zucchini Fest

On Wednesday I had a couple, dear friends of mine come for dinner at our place. I decided to cook my grandma's old recipe (which I have been modifying over the years) I hope you enjoy it. 
For vegetarians, just remove the meats and you can replace with firm tofu! taste as good.

  • Zucchini (yellow and green). Depending of the size of the zucchini (6" being an average size) count 1 full zucchini per person (1/2 green, 1/2 yellow)
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 of white onion
  • 1/2 of carrot
  • 2 fresh bacon slices (optional)
  • ground beef (1 full cup)
  • 1 bay leaf (it gives a good taste to the ground beef)
  • 2 shallots 
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 tbsp of olive oil
  • salt & pepper
  • 1/2 cup of shaved parmigiano 
In a medium heat pan, add the olive oil and garlic cut in fine pieces. Let is simmer, add the shredded carrot. Make sure everything is cooking evenly, constantly mixing the veggies with a wood spoon.  you can add the salt and pepper now,and ad the half of a onion chopped in tiny pieces and let it cook until the onion starts turning clear. Keep mixing the veggies and add the shallots cut in small pieces. 

Let the veggies simmer on low heat while you cut the bacon in small pieces. Add the bacon and let it release some of its natural oils. After bacon is golden, add the zucchini in triangular pieces. Let it simmer in medium heat now. Remember this vegetable releases a lot of water so leave the pan uncover until you add the ground beef.
As soon as zucchinis are soft, you can add the beef put the lid on the pan.

**You can now warm up your oven at 350 degrees.

In a square glass roaster (square trays are easier for cutting perfect pieces) evenly place the cooked mixture. Whisk the eggs and pour evenly on top of the mixture in the glass roaster ( is okay if whisked eggs do not sit on top of the mixture) Add the shaved parmigiano and  place it in the oven for 10 minutes or until cheese is melted on top.

Optional side to serve the zucchini fest

You will need:
  • small potatoes
  • olive oil
  • fresh dill
  • sea salt
  • fresh pepper
Boil the potatoes for about 10 minutes. After cooked,  place in a cookie sheet and cut in halves if desired. Cut small pieces of the fresh dill and sprinkle over the potatoes. Pour a little olive oil on the potatoes, sea salt and pepper and place them in the over underneath the glass roaster while the zucchini dish is cooking.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mini Ravioli Chicken Pesto

The day after I made the pesto, I went to Trader Joe's some items and landed in the pasta isle. I usually get the  orecchiette pasta which is a must for me because you only need to cook a small portion to make a bigger meal. I use this for pasta salads or as a main entree with sauteed tomatoes, peppers and arugula.
This time I got the mini cheese ravioli to go with the pesto and some chicken for protein.

For this recipe you will need (serves 4):

  • Mini Cheese Ravioli (or preferred pasta)
  • Shitake Mushrooms (it ads great taste to the chicken)
  • A chicken breast
  • olive oil
Cook the ravioli as indicated in the bag. While the ravioli is cooking, in a medium heat pan add 1 tbsp of olive oil and the chicken breast cut in small pieces. as soon as the chicken begins to cook, add the shitake mushroom in pieces. Season with alt and pepper to your taste,  I didn't because the pesto was already well seasoned. Add a  big wood spoon of pesto (you previously made the day before). You can not add too much or too little, so estimate by coloring of the chicken.

 By the time you already added the pesto to the chicken and it is all cooked, the ravioli should be ready. Drain the water off the pasta and mix with the chicken (I added the ravioli to the pan where I was cooking the chicken) You can do the opposite way as well. Because I wanted to warm up some baguette for dinner I left the pan on 'warm' heat so keep the entree, well..warm.

I found this Garlic & Herb butter at Trader Joe's (yes, love that place) and I highly recommend this for your warm baguette at dinner. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Pesto (+ quick bruschetta recipe)

About two weeks ago, I bought a basil plant from the farmers market, which it was a great buy!. That plant grew faster than I could use the leaves so I learn to harvest it so it will keep providing leaves for the rest of the summer. What to do with so much basil? Mom told me; "make pesto for your chicken pesto pasta or bruschetta".

...So here is my recipe and you will need;

  • 1 cup of fresh basil  
  • 2 cups of spinach
  • 1 green onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tbsp. of coconut oil or/ 1 tbsp. of olive oil
  • salt & pepper
  • 4 little shallots (optional)
In a pan on medium heat add 1 tbsp of coconut oil (or olive oil) until melted. Add the finely cut garlic cloves, until golden. When garlic cloves are golden (not burned) add the shallots and green onion, salt and pepper to taste, and saute.
 When onions and shallots are clear you can add  2 cups of  spinach, let it cook until spinach turn soft. that's it about 2 minutes in medium heat.

When all those veggies are cooked place on a bowl to cool down. In the same pan add the cup of fresh basil on low heat for a few seconds. Don't let basil turn brown! I opted to warm up the basil so it will acquire the taste of the sauteed onions and garlic but you can also mix it  when it is fresh.

As soon as the sauteed veggies are cool down, place them in the blender with 1/2 of a tablespoon of olive oil and blend until veggies turn into a paste. 

**You can refrigerate for about 3 days.

Pesto Bruschetta (Option for your pesto)

You will need:
  • 1 baguette
  • goat cheese (taste really good with honey goat cheese from Trader Joe's) 
  • pine nuts

Slice a baguette on a diagonal about ½-1 inch thick slices. In one side of each slice add a few drops of olive oil and on the other side generously spread goat cheese. Place on a cooking sheet, olive oil side down. Warm up the over at 450 F (Toast the bread in the top rack in your oven). Toast for 5-6 minutes, until the bread just begins to turn golden or the goat cheese is melted. Take off the cooking sheet, let it cool down for 1 minute and spread the pesto and sprinkle some pine nuts.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Tomatillo Salsa (mom's recipe)

If you have a food processor/ or a ninja like my are set! If you are like me, it will take a little more time, but will work just fine.

What you will need:
  • 5 fresh tomatillos 
  • 1 mango 
  • 2 green jalapeño 
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil 
  • salt 
  • pepper

If you want to make it for a big party like mom did last weekend. You will need:

10 fresh tomatillos
3 mangoes
4 green jalapeño
4 tablespoons of olive oil

Mix all the ingredients chopped. For the jalapeño, make sure you get all the seeds out (that's the most spicy part) or leave only a few to add more spice to the salsa verde.


Green Smoothie (cleanser)

I have tried cleansers and juicing to ‘detox’ many times and I always keep coming back to this green smoothie recipe that I found on Pinterest. It is refreshing and delicious.

In a blender add a hand full of spinach, diced pineapple (1/2 canned diced pineapple with juice), a cup of ice cubes, ½ of a lemon juice and 3 mint leaves. Blend well and refrigerate until is cold. Shake well after refrigerate, and drink after a workout.